

索达吉堪布 国际佛学网 2023-03-02

不忘Always Remembering

第五章 喇荣的里程

The Development Of Larung



SECTION 36. The Five Important Matters




In this year of the dragon [1988]; the thunderous sound in the sky indicates the spread of good reputation far and wide.



During such auspicious days, we should embark on our practice of magnetizing.*




Larung Buddhist Institute falls into four schools — namely, the monks’ school, nuns’ school, Chinese students’ school, and lay practitioners’ school. Of these four schools, the enlightened activity is magnetizing.



From now on, Larung will focus on the activity of magnetizing, through which all worldly and spiritual goals will be accomplished.




As far as magnetizing is concerned, what indeed should we do for it?



The first important matter. When a flock of birds, for instance, lands in the same tree, it is impossible for them to live there forever.



Likewise, everyone gathering here today does not have the opportunity to live in the world for an equally long time.



Therefore, in this transient life, give up blueprinting meaningless long-term dreams.



Everyone should give up nonvirtue and practice virtue, including making prostrations, circumambulation, accumulation of merit, and purification of obstacles, as well as generating the awakened mind.



And then one should attentively practice the stage of generation and the stage of completion and so forth.




The second important matter. If you harbor hatred toward any lineage, that is an absolute cause to fall into the lower realms and is a misdeed of forsaking the Dharma, especially the sixth fundamental vows of the Mantrayana.



Therefore the Sangha of the ten directions and the various lineages and schools should all be in harmony, uphold pure precepts, pay homage to the deities connected to oneself with reverence, and give up any hostility toward other lineages and cultivate pure perception instead.




The third important matter. In this present world, conflicts caused by desire and hatred, whether as serious as those between nations and tribes or as trivial as those in families, have taken place endlessly; we should pay close attention to this.




To attain world peace, we need to work wholeheartedly to pacify and stop various wars and disputes between and among nations, tribes, and families; then we can create world harmony and peace.




The fourth important matter. All of you should avoid being jealous of people superior to you, stop comparing yourself and competing with people similar to you, and never belittle or disrespect people inferior to you.



Everyone should do their best to cultivate a virtuous heart and engage in altruistic actions.



The fifth important matter. If the students of the ten directions of Larung Buddhist Institute as well as other people were all to practice magnetizing activities, that would be an extremely good thing, as such practice embodies all the enlightened activities.



Relying on magnetizing activities, we will be able to realize the great aspiration of spreading the Dharma and benefiting sentient beings from now until the end of sky.



As for the present, in order to take rebirth in Dewachen together in the future, we should all practice even more diligently.




Today, if any of you promise to chant The Prayer That Magnetizes All That Appears and All That Exists, come here to enroll.




For we are going to practice the activity of magnetizing from now on.



We, the guru and disciples, make the aspiration together: “In the future we will come in front of Buddha Amitābha in person and receive prophecy to reach enlightenment from him. We will perfect our great aspirations, ripen sentient beings, perfect our pure land, and then benefit sentient beings until the end of sky.”




Please bear in mind these five important matters. These are not instructions for monastic Sangha members exclusively but also my final edification to you, laypeople.




To summarize these five points, avoid any kind of dispute or conflict between lineages or schools, do not be biased toward any nation or ethnical group, and bring happiness and benefit to all sentient beings.



This is the pure undertaking of Larung Buddhist Institute and worthy of being engraved in our mind.




Rather than keeping these words I just uttered a secret, you should widely spread them instead, for then you are my successors.


*The practice of magnetizing refers to benefiting more sentient beings by attracting more people to study and practice the Dharma, which implies the necessity of first subduing one’s own afflictive emotions and becoming more steady and capable of benefiting sentient beings.


His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

《Always Remembering》

索达吉堪布 恭译

Translated By Khenpo Sodargye



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